Gaining weight leads to many health problems such as increasing the risk of dying prematurely. If you are gaining weight and don’t know the reason why, maybe you should look at your bedtime habits and evening routines.

Here are the most common bedtime mistakes that can make you gain weight at night:

Eating late night snacks

We all know the rule of not eating after 8 p.m., but who respect it? Eating late at night leads to weight gain, it may increase cholesterol, insulin levels, and negatively affect our hormonal markers.

Drinking coffee late at night

Drinking coffee late in the evening affects your sleep, and makes you gain weight. You should consume caffeine 6 hours before going to bed. You can drink herbal tea before going to bed.

Lack of physical activity

Regular exercising and physical activity play a crucial role in weight loss and in the process of burning calories. It is very important to be active through the day and exercise on a daily basis to boost your metabolism and lose calories every day.

Setting the alarm too late

People who are exposed to bright light earlier lowers body mass index, than those who’re exposed to light later in the morning. Remember the natural outdoor light affects your body mass index, so wake up early and go for a morning run before starting your day.

Using your mobile device in the evening

Using your mobile devices late at night can lead to weight gain and lack of good night sleep. The reason behind this is that the electronic devices emit blue light which is harmful to your health.  Instead of browsing through social networks before going to bed, choose to read your favorite book.

Surrounding yourself with the wrong color

Surrounding with the right color makes you feel relaxed thus sleep better. The color blue promotes relaxation, while the colors like red and orange make you feel energized and hungry. So you might reconsider the color palette of your bedroom from now on.

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